So-Young, Yu, Jae Yun Lee, EunKyung Chung, and Boram Lee. (2015). A Review of Declarations on Appropriate Research Evaluation for Exploring Their Applications to Research Evaluation System of Korea, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 32(4):249-272.DOI: 10.3743/KOSIM.2015.32.4.249 ResearchGate URL : Abstract Inappropriate applications of bibliometric approaches and misinterpretation of analysis in research evaluation have been found and recognized nationally and internationally as the use of bibliometrics has been rapidly adopted in various sectors in research evaluation systems and research funding agencies. The flood of misuse led to several declarations and statements on appropriate research evaluation, including Leiden Manifesto, DORA, IEEE Statement, etc. The similar recommendations from five different declarations, Leiden Manifesto, IEEE Statement, DORA, Institut de France, and Thomson Reuters White paper were reviewed and meta-analyzed in this study and it is revealed that most of them emphasize evaluation on quality in various aspects with multiple indicators. Research evaluation assessing multiple aspects of individual research based on the understandings of its purpose and pertinent subject area was revealed as being mostly advised in the declarations, and this recommendation can be regarded as being mostly requested in national research evaluation system. For future study, interviews with relevant stakeholders of national research evaluation system in order to explore its application are needed to confirm the findings of this review. Comments are closed.